It's new iPhone time again, and it's Charlotte's first Apple product launch with two local Apple stores, at SouthPark and Northlake malls.
And though some Apple fans might have been disappointed by the product's launch (they were holding out hope for a redesigned iPhone 5), the company has said that the iPhone 4S has already pre-sold more phones than any other model, over 1 million.
Apparently there are enough consumers who want to buy a new iPhone to sustain demand, even in a down economy. And maybe Steve Jobs' death also contributed to some buzz about the new phone.
Here's what the malls have planned:
- At SouthPark, the mall is opening its doors at 7 a.m. to shoppers, as usual. The Apple store will open at 8 a.m.
- Northlake, which just got a new Apple store, is letting customers onto the mall's property at 5 a.m., and letting them into the mall itself at 6 a.m. to get in line. The store then opens at 8 a.m.
Sprint, Verizon and AT&T are also selling the new device.
Bonus note: If you're a zombie fan, the AMC show "The Walking Dead" will be at Northlake on Thursday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. to promote its season two premier. The truck on-site will feature zombies and finger cupcakes.