SouthPark Belk to get $2.3 million renovation

If you've shopped the bottom floor of Belk's flagship SouthPark store lately, you've probably noticed the signs of imminent construction.

On Tuesday, the company announced that it is starting a $2.3 million renovation that will redo the entire floor and shuffle merchandise areas around on other floors.

The main cosmetic impact of the remodeling will be on the first floor, where Belk is installing new floor tiles, carpets, wall treatments, new display fixtures and energy-efficient lights. The Arthur's restaurant and wine shop on the first floor are also being overhauled, with new decor and layouts.

All home goods will be consolidated on the first floor.

"The remodeling gives our entire first floor a modern new look, and will make shopping for home merchandise much easier and more convenient by placing it together in the same proximity," said store manager Randy Dell, in a statement.

The ladies sportswear department, including coats and swimwear, will be moved up from the third to the fourth floor. On the fourth floor, the space and location allotted to intimate apparel and special sizes will be adjusted to accommodate the move, Belk said.

On the third floor, the juniors department is being expanded to carry more assortments and sizes, Belk said. A grand reopening of the remodeled areas is scheduled for Oct. 12.