Sun & Ski Sports opening Ballantyne store

Outdoor sporting goods retailer Sun & Ski Sports is opening its second Charlotte-area store, adding a Ballantyne location to its store in Concord Mills.

The store, at the Promenade on Providence, will open June 15. The store will carry gear for skiing, snowboarding, bicycling, running, other water sports and more outdoor activities.

The store's philosophy is "focus on a few things, and do them better than anyone else," said founder Barry Goldware, in a statement. Some of the staff from the Concord Mills store will move to the new location to make sure there are experienced workers ("counselors," as the retailer calls them), in place.

They'll have services such as a bike technician, gait analysis for runners to help pick out shoes, and a certified boot fitter. The store has three hour-long clinics scheduled for its first week, on June 18, 19, and 20, at 7 p.m., covering topics such as road cycling, gait analysis and nutrition, and water sports.

Sun & Ski sports is headquartered in Houston, and has 29 stores around the country.

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