Wal-Mart holding midnight Hunger Games release

Wal-Mart is betting that the popularity of the Hunger Games books and movies will be enough to drive people to midnight parties across the country for the film's DVD release Friday.

The movie grossed more than $684 million worldwide, and was a home run for the studio that made it, Lions Gate Films. Now Wal-Mart is trying to capitalize on that. Starting at 11 p.m. Friday, 2,000 Wal-Mart stores around the country will host parties featuring merchandise giveaways and movie trivia.

When the movie goes on sale at midnight, customers who buy it will receive a pack of Hunger Games trading cards. Some random cards will be autographed by the movie's stars, including Jennifer Lawrence, who plays Katniss Everdeen, the arrow-slinging heroine of the Hunger Games series.

According to Wal-Mart's store finder, none of the midnight store parties are in Charlotte, so if you want the Hunger Games that badly Friday night and live in town, you'll have to drive to a SuperCenter in Mooresville or Tega Cay.

There will also be two-disc commemorative sets that come with a mockingjay pendant for sale, and Wal-Mart hosted a Twitter party on Thursday (hashtag #DistrictParty) to give customers tips about hosting Hunger Games-themed viewing parties.